* This file is part of the API Platform project.
* (c) Kévin Dunglas <dunglas@gmail.com>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace ApiPlatform\Core\Action;
use ApiPlatform\Core\Util\ErrorFormatGuesser;
use Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FlattenException as LegacyFlattenException;
use Symfony\Component\ErrorHandler\Exception\FlattenException;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
use Symfony\Component\Serializer\SerializerInterface;
* Renders a normalized exception for a given {@see FlattenException} or {@see LegacyFlattenException}.
* @author Baptiste Meyer <baptiste.meyer@gmail.com>
* @author Kévin Dunglas <dunglas@gmail.com>
final class ExceptionAction
private $serializer;
private $errorFormats;
private $exceptionToStatus;
* @param array $errorFormats A list of enabled error formats
* @param array $exceptionToStatus A list of exceptions mapped to their HTTP status code
public function __construct(SerializerInterface $serializer, array $errorFormats, array $exceptionToStatus = [])
$this->serializer = $serializer;
$this->errorFormats = $errorFormats;
$this->exceptionToStatus = $exceptionToStatus;
* Converts an exception to a JSON response.
* @param FlattenException|LegacyFlattenException $exception
public function __invoke($exception, Request $request): Response
$exceptionClass = $exception->getClass();
$statusCode = $exception->getStatusCode();
foreach ($this->exceptionToStatus as $class => $status) {
if (is_a($exceptionClass, $class, true)) {
$statusCode = $status;
$headers = $exception->getHeaders();
$format = ErrorFormatGuesser::guessErrorFormat($request, $this->errorFormats);
$headers['Content-Type'] = sprintf('%s; charset=utf-8', $format['value'][0]);
$headers['X-Content-Type-Options'] = 'nosniff';
$headers['X-Frame-Options'] = 'deny';
return new Response($this->serializer->serialize($exception, $format['key'], ['statusCode' => $statusCode]), $statusCode, $headers);